Best Kidney Transplant Cost In India

Kidney Transplant Cost in India

How much does kidney transplant cost In India?

On average kidney transplant cost in India can range from approximately $10,000 to $15,000 USD for a living donor transplant, it included

  • Room charges (for the specified period)
  • Surgeon’s fees
  • O.T charges
  • Anesthesia charges
  • Investigations related to the Kidney Transplant
  • 6 Anti-rejection injections of 25mg
  • 5 pre kidney transplant dialysis
  • Post-transplant DJ stent removal.


A kidney transplant is a surgery to place a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor into an individual whose own kidneys are no longer functioning properly.


The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on each side of the spine just below the rib cage. Each is about the size of a fist. and their primary role is to filter and remove waste, minerals, and excess fluid from the blood by producing urine.


When kidneys lose this filtering ability, harmful levels of fluid and waste accumulate in the body, which can raise blood pressure and result in kidney failure (end-stage renal disease). End-stage renal disease occurs when the kidneys have lost about 90% of their ability to function normally. End-stage renal disease occurs when the kidneys have lost about 90% of their ability to function normally.


Common causes of end-stage kidney disease include:

  • Diabetes
  • Chronic, uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis — an inflammation and eventual scarring of the tiny filters within the kidneys
  • Polycystic kidney disease

Individuals diagnosed with end-stage renal disease require either dialysis, a process that removes waste from their bloodstream using a machine, or a kidney transplant to stay alive.


At Medicare Spots, health care professionals trained in many medical specialties work together as a team to ensure favorable outcomes from your kidney transplant.


Having all of this subspecialized expertise in a single place, focused on you, means that you’re not just getting one opinion — your care is discussed among the team, your test results are available quickly, appointments are scheduled in coordination, and your transplant care team to determine the most optimal approach for your well-being.

Fact:- Did you know that one healthy kidney is enough to remove wastes and excess fluid from the blood? You are born with two, but you only need one!

Best Kidney Transplant Doctors In India

Dr. Sanjay Gogoi

Dr. Sanjay Gogoi

Urology & Renal Transplant, Robotic Surgery Director & Unit Head, 28 Years Experince, Gurgaon India.

dr anil mandhani

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat

Group Chairman Kidney and Urology Institute, 35 years experience, Gurgaon India

Dr. Salil Jain | Best Nephrologist In India

Dr. Salil Jain

MBBS, DNB - General Medicine, Fellowship in Nephrology, DNB - Nephrology 30 Years Experience, Gurgaon, India.

Why it's done

A kidney transplant is often the treatment of choice for kidney failure, compared with a lifetime on dialysis. A kidney transplant can treat chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease to help you feel better and live longer.

Compared with dialysis, kidney transplant is associated with:

  • Better quality of life
  • Lower risk of death
  • Fewer dietary restrictions
  • Lower treatment cost

Some people may also benefit from receiving a kidney transplant before needing to go on dialysis, a procedure known as preemptive kidney transplant.

But for certain people with kidney failure, a kidney transplant may be riskier than dialysis. Conditions that may prevent you from being eligible for a kidney transplant include:

  • Advanced age
  • Severe heart disease
  • Active or recently treated cancer
  • Dementia or poorly controlled mental illness
  • Alcohol or drug abuse.

Any other factor that could affect the ability to safely undergo the procedure and take the medications needed after a transplant to prevent organ rejection
Only one donated kidney is needed to replace two failed kidneys, making living-donor kidney transplantation an option.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Generally, someone with kidney failure will have a few symptoms of the disease. Sometimes no symptoms are present. Possible indications include:

  • Extreme tiredness (fatigue).
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Confusion or trouble concentrating.
  • Swelling (edema), particularly around your hands, ankles or face.
  • Peeing more often.
  • Cramps (muscle spasms).
  • Dry or itchy skin.
  • Poor appetite or food may taste metallic.

What are the risks for kidney transplant?

As with any surgery, complications can occur. Some complications may include:

  • Bleeding and blood clots
  • Infection
  • Blockage of the blood vessels to the new kidney
  • a Leakage of urine or blockage
  • of urine in the ureter
  • Lack of function of the new kidney at first.
  • Rejection or failure of the donated kidney
  • Heart attack, stroke, and death.

Dialysis for Kidney Transplant

A patient with end-stage kidney failure has Dialysis and Transplantation as the only options available for his/her survival. As and when the patients reach a stage, where their kidneys fail to sustain body functions they have to be put on regular dialysis for keeping them alive. Even if the patient decides to have a transplant, he will need the support of dialysis till the preparations for kidney transplantation are made. Dialysis is a substitute for failed kidneys but does not replace kidney function. Patients on dialysis do not do well in the long run and develop some complications, which are not seen after transplantation. Patients live longer after transplantation than on dialysis.

There are Two Main Types of Dialysis

Haemodialysis:- This entails the removal of impurities of the blood through an artificial kidney machine, which works on the principle of osmosis and filters out the waste products of the blood.

Peritoneal Dialysis:- In peritoneal dialysis fluid is made to flow through the abdominal cavity and the waste products from the blood are removed by the dialysis fluid. Unlike haemodialysis, the blood of the patient need not leave the body to flow through a machine. Instead, a sterile washing fluid is flown in the abdominal cavity through a tube placed in the abdomen. During this process, impurities are washed out of the abdomen along with the dialysis fluid.

Dialysis is definitely an inferior form of treatment when compared with the transplantation. During dialysis lack of sufficient blood (anaemia) or poor quality of blood causes shortness of breath and easy fatigability, leading to compromised quality of life. Dialysis is unable to take care of many more abnormalities, which are rectified following transplantation.

Types of Kidney Transplant

Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant:-

A deceased donor is an individual who has recently passed away of causes not affecting the organ intended for transplant. Deceased donor organs usually come from people who have decided to donate their organs before death by signing organ donor cards. Permission for donation also may be given by the deceased person’s family at the time of death.

A deceased donor kidney transplant occurs when a kidney is taken from a deceased donor and is surgically transplanted into the body of a recipient whose natural kidneys are diseased or not functioning properly.


Living Donor Kidney Transplant:-

A living donor transplant is a surgical procedure in which a healthy individual donates one of their kidneys to a person with kidney failure. The living donor often is an immediate family member (parent, sibling, or child). The living donor can also be an uncle, aunt, cousin, or even a spouse or friend. If the living donor is an uncle, aunt, or cousin, in such a situation, it may be necessary to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their family member and a government-issued certificate as per Indian Govt.

A living donor transplant has many advantages over a deceased donor kidney transplant, the most important being a significantly higher success rate. Additional reasons include:-

  • A kidney from a living donor generally functions immediately after transplant. A deceased donor kidney might take several days or weeks to function normally.
  • The living donor transplant can be scheduled, allowing the recipient and donor preparation time. You will not know when a deceased donor kidney will be available, and surgery must be performed very soon after it is available.
  • There may be a reduced risk of rejection, especially if the kidney is donated by a blood relative.
  • You might possibly shorten the amount of time you have to wait to receive a kidney transplant. The average wait time for a deceased donor kidney could be three to five years.

Anti-rejection medication side effects

Antirejection medications have a large number of possible side effects because the body’s immune defenses are lowered. Fortunately, these side effects are usually controllable for most patients. If side effects do occur, changing the dose or type of medication can often lessen them. It is important to talk to your doctor about this. Some of the most common side effects include:

Bone thinning (osteoporosis) and bone damage (osteonecrosis)

  • Diabetes
  • The needless hair growth or hair loss
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure

Other side effects may include:

  • Increased risk of cancer, particularly skin cancer and lymphoma
  • Infection
  • Puffiness (edema)
  • Weight gain
  • Acne

Important Reminder

[You must not take any medicine or nutritional supplement that is not approved by a team of Kidney transplant In India because of the risk of interaction with your immunosuppressive (antirejection) medications.]

Legal & Ethical Aspects of Kidney Donation:

When it’s all about organ donation and transplantation, the Indian authorities follow stringent rules and when anybody, found guilty, needs to face a hefty penalty. When the individual situation is assessed by the transplantation team combined with all of the legal records, they proceed with the treatment. Additionally, living donors have been categorized as:

  • A near relative or connected to blood such as grandparents, parents, kids, grandparents, grandparents.

  • The donor isn’t related by blood like a partner, siblings of their partner, parents of the partner, then it needs permission from the authorities describing that no industrial angle is closely involved while manhood donation.

  • The Indian laws also make sure that the kidney transplantation cost must be ethically performed in India.

How do you prepare for Kidney Transplant

As a foreigner, you need to attract your donor together. While in India, living donor transplant is acceptable in 2 kinds – associated and non-related donor, there’s a listing of records that the donor and the receiver must bring along.

For Connected Donor: The Essential record of files are:

  • Medical visas from the donor and receiver.
  • Photocopy of the passport & passport size photographs of the donor & recipient.
  • NOC in the embassy including all the documents shown.
  • A family photograph depicting the connection between the donor and the receiver.
  • Birth certificate/school certificate/any authorities approved ID evidence displaying that the parent’s name demonstrating the association between the donor and receiver.
  • Patients will need to bring all of the medical papers in their native states.

In the instance of an unrelated donor, the files will be the same. But, there are some additional files to be connected together:

  • NOC from the donor’s relative implying no objection regarding organ donation.
  • Evidence of unfit associated donors ought to be carried alongside their blood collection reports and therapy newspapers.
  • Attested receiver’s family tree from the region head.
  • Each of the affidavits containing photos and exemplified by the magistrate.

Evaluation and matching procedure:

Before the Kidney transplant In India, the patient and the donor need to undergo a battery of tests like blood group (A, B, AB, or O) and HLA (human leukocyte antigen) typing.

  • CBC and platelet count
  • PTT and INR
  • Blood group; crossmatch of 2-4
  • units packed red cells
  • Electrolytes
  • Urea, creatinine and uric acid
  • Albumin and total protein
  • AST, ALT or gamma GT and
  • alkaline phosphatase
  • Transplant immunology (10 cc of clotted blood)
  • Chest X-ray
  • 12-lead electrocardiogram
  • MSU for culture and sensitivity (if possible)
  • Imaging studies, such as an X-ray, Ultrasound, an MRI or a CT scans
  • Renal Biopsy

Finding a match:- 

A kidney donor can be living or deceased, related or unrelated to you. Your transplant team will consider several factors when evaluating whether a donor kidney will be a good match for you.

Tests to determine whether a donated kidney may be suitable for you include:-


Blood typing. It’s preferable to get a kidney from a donor whose blood type matches or is compatible with your own.

Transplants involving a donor and recipient with incompatible blood types are also possible but require additional medical treatment before and after transplant to reduce the risk of organ rejection. These are known as ABO incompatible kidney transplants.


Tissue typing. If your blood type is compatible, the next step is a tissue typing test called human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing. This test compares genetic markers that increase the likelihood the transplanted kidney will last a long time. A good match means it’s less likely that your body will reject the organ.


Crossmatch. The third and final matching test involves mixing a small sample of your blood with the donor’s blood in the lab. The test determines whether antibodies in your blood will react against specific antigens in the donor’s blood.

A negative crossmatch means they are compatible and your body isn’t as likely to reject the donor kidney. Positive crossmatch kidney transplants also are possible but require additional medical treatment before and after the transplant to reduce the risk of your antibodies reacting to the donor organ.

Additional factors your transplant team may consider in finding the most appropriate donor kidney for you include matching age, kidney size and infection exposure.

Kidney Transplant procedure

Kidney transplant cost In India

Kidney transplant surgery in India is performed with general anesthesia, so the patient doesn’t stay wakeful or cognizant during the technique. The surgical team monitors you on a daily basis the heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen level of the patient all through the operation.


In general, kidney transplant surgery involves the following steps:

  • The specialist makes a cut on the abdomen, regularly the lower some portion of one side and places the new kidney from the donor into this side of the body.
  • The patient’s own kidneys are left in their unique spot, except if they are causing a few complications, for example, blood pressure, kidney stones, injection, pain.
  • The specialist then connects the veins of the new kidney to the veins in the lower some portion of the patient’s abdomen.
  • The ureter of the new kidney, the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder, is then connected with the patient’s bladder.
  • Kidney transplant in India can be performed in two different manners – open technique or laparoscopic technique. The same technique is used to remove a healthy kidney from a suitable donor.

Open Nephrectomy

In this technique, a large cut is made in the stomach zone of the patient, starting from the lower rib to the midriff. A while later, the damaged kidneys are removed and replaced with the healthy ones, before closing the cut with the help of stitches.

This is a protracted and touchy system that includes more risk. What’s more, patients set aside more time and effort to recover after open nephrectomy than laparoscopic technique.

Robotic Nephrectomy

In Robotic Nephrectomy, the surgeon usually makes 2-3 small cut (Incision) are made and a special instrument called a laparoscope is inserted into the cut to locate the kidneys. The equipment includes a small knife, clamps and a special camera called a laparoscope that is used to view the internal organs and guide the surgeon through the procedure. The removed kidneys are replaced with healthy kidneys retrieved from a suitable donor.

Recovery after a kidney transplant

After the surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room. Once your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing are stable and you are alert, you may be taken to the intensive care unit (ICU) for close monitoring. In time, you will be moved out of the ICU to a regular nursing unit as you recover and you are closer to going home. A kidney transplant usually calls for several days in the hospital.

  • A kidney from a living donor may start to make urine right away. Urine production in a cadaver kidney may take longer. You may need to continue dialysis until urine output is normal.
  • You will have a catheter in your bladder to drain your urine. The amount of urine will be measured to check how the new kidney is working.
  • You will get IV fluids until you are able to eat and drink enough on your own.
  • Your team will closely watch how your anti-rejection medications are working to make sure you are getting the best dose and the best combination of medications.
  • Blood samples will be taken often to check the status of the new kidney, as well as other body functions, such as the liver, lungs, and blood system.
  • You will slowly move from liquids to more solid foods as tolerated. Your fluids may be limited until the new kidney is working fully.
  • Usually, by the day after the procedure, you may start moving around. You should get out of bed and move around several times a day.
  • Take a pain reliever for soreness as advised by your doctor. Avoid aspirin or certain other pain medications that may increase the chance of bleeding. Be sure to take only recommended medications.
  • Nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, physical therapists, and other members of the transplant team will teach you how to take care of yourself once you are discharged from the hospital including care for your incisions.
  • You will be ready to go home when your vital signs are stable, the new kidney is working, and you do not need the constant hospital care.

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Frequently Asked Question Kidney Transplant

Q. What is the success rate of kidney transplant In India?

A. The success rate of a kidney transplant depends on the patient’s health. The transplantation success rate usually ranges between 85% to 95%. There are other factors that matter, like care plans, medications, the patient’s physical and emotional well being.

Q. What other types of medication will I need to take?

A. In addition to antirejection medications, many patients may need to take medications for blood pressure and to prevent infections and stomach ulcers. Depending on other health problems or conditions you may have, you will usually continue to take these medications. Patients will also receive antibiotics for a few weeks or months following transplantation to reduce the risk of common infections.

Q. When can I return to work Kidney transplant?

A. How soon you can return to work depends on your recovery, the kind of work you do, and your other medical conditions. Many patients can return to work 3 to 8 weeks after their transplant. Your team of kidney transplant In India. will help you determine when you can go back to work.

Q. If I have diabetes, can I also have a pancreas transplant?

A. Sometimes. It may be possible for patients with type 1 diabetes to receive a pancreas transplant along with a kidney transplant. Your doctor can advise you about this possibility.

Q. Will my sex life be affected after Kidney transplant 

A. People who have not had satisfactory sexual relations due to the complications of kidney disease may notice an improvement as they begin to feel better after a transplant.

Q. How does transplantation compare to dialysis treatment?

A. Transplantation has many advantages. It can treat your kidney failure, improve your health, and provide a lifestyle free from dialysis. Usually, you will have fewer fluid and diet restrictions after getting a “new kidney.” Most people even feel well enough to return to work. With transplantation comes responsibilities. For your new kidney to work, you must take medications every day, exactly as taught, for as long as the kidney is working, and perhaps for your whole life. These medications can have side effects. Complications may arise, such as rejection of your new kidney or an infection.

Best Kidney Transplant Hospitals In India